Mental Health – What does it mean to us? #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

At Ascentis we wanted to do something a bit different this Mental Health Awareness Week. We sent a short survey around to Ascentis staff to find out what Mental Health and Well-being means to them and their top tips for learners sittings exams ahead of the upcoming exam period. Here is what we found:

What advice would you give to a learner who is currently sitting exams, who maybe feeling stressed or anxious?

“Remember to keep the end goal in mind and remember to make time for you to relax in your revision schedule, even if it's just for 10 minutes before you go to sleep.”

“Take a deep breath, focus and relax, it is not the end of the world if things don't go perfectly.”

“Try and revise before you have an exam, if there is a particular area which you are struggling with let a teacher or a parent know. All you can do is your best, no matter what be proud of yourself.”

“You get out of life what you put into it. As long as you do your best it doesn't matter about the result.”

Mental Health – What does it mean to us? #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
What activities do you do to look after your mind and body? 

 “I personally have many extra activities that I partake in such as a samba drumming group and the young framers club. This keeps me socialised, exercised and active outside of work.” 

 “Exercise walks and runs. Mornings I think about things that are going well in my life, my life goals and how far I have come so far... all my successes. Before bed I think about 10 things that have gone well that day and pick one that I am most happy about to jot down a piece of paper. I write the reasons I believe it went so well. The following day I'll text anyone involved to say thank you.” 

 “I exercise frequently and have a good work and personal life balance.” “I take regular breaks and take lunch out of the office. I completely switch off and leave work stuff at work, home stuff at home. Keep it separate.”

Mental Health – What does it mean to us? #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
What does ‘mindfulness’ mean to you?

“It means being in the moment and focusing on the present, not worrying about the past or the future and taking time for you.”

“Putting things in perspective. Looking at what is happening in your life at one specific moment in time, rather than focussing on what has happened or may happen in the future.”

“To me, it means living in the now, enjoying the moment. Being in the moment. Not thinking about the past or the future whilst doing things, as this takes you away from actually enjoying what you are doing.”

“Making sure you look after yourself and be mindful that things are sometimes out of your control.”

“I need to take care of my health and my thoughts, if anything becomes too much I always talk to someone whether that may be a friend or a family member. They key is to always look after yourself before anyone else.”

For more information on Ascentis Short Online Qualifications and to view a sample of the interactive resources click here. In addition, all Ascentis qualifications are now accompanied by a free Mindfulness resource, entitled 'Tips to survive the modern world - how to boost your well-being and happiness'.

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“We are very pleased that we made the move to Ascentis for all our ESOL exams. The exams are appropriate for our learners, and lecturers find the marking manageable. As an organisation, Ascentis is a pleasure to work with. Our queries are always dealt with quickly and we are extremely well supported by our verifier.”

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18th Mar 2025

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