Centre Information

This page is dedicated to our customers and contains useful information and guidance to support you in delivering Ascentis qualifications.

You'll find useful information on a number of topics by clicking on the headings below.

Here for you!

At Ascentis we are committed to delivering exceptional customer service and creating life changing opportunities for all. Read our promise to you here.

Customer Portals

Ascentis customer portals can be accessed via the green ‘Login’ button at the top of this webpage.

Ascentis Website

Login to Ascentis – this takes you to the Ascentis Log In Area of the website, which is exclusive to customers. Here you can find policies and key documents, full specifications, tracking sheets, sample papers and exclusive teaching resources.

To register for access, click here and complete the form using your work email address. A member of our team will approve your access and you will be notified by email.


Surpass is an end-to-end assessment platform used for the delivery of Ascentis e-Assessments. The assessments are delivered using Secure Delivery via a SecureClient application that locks down candidates devices to ensure fair and reliable testing.

Electronic Registration Portal - Parnassus

Login to Parnassus – this takes you to our Parnassus portal; a secure area where you can access live papers, materials and confidential documentation that is specific to your centre.  

The Parnassus portal allows you to register learners, view current and previous classes, view learner history, add and withdraw learners to and from classes, upload results and download e-Certificates.

All centres are given access to Parmassus, however if you need help or guidance please email [email protected].

Please note that Parnassus replaced the QuartzWeb portal in January 2024.

Ascentis Moodle

The Ascentis Moodle contains resources used for the delivery of Short Online Qualifications, Online Enrichment Qualifications and Education and Training e-Assessment Qualifications. The Moodle can be accessed here.



Ascentis will normally process results and issue certificates within 4 weeks of the verification date, with the exception of Short Online Qualifications, Functional Skills Level 1 & 2 and Access to HE provision.

Short Online Qualifications:

For classroom-based assessments provisional results are provided immediately after the e-Assessment. An hour after the e-Assessment the achievement list report can be run through Parnassus. Learner certificates will be issued within 10 working days of the e-Assessment.

For e-Invigilation-based assessments that have satisfied exam requirements, the confirmation of results and e-Certificates will be available in Parnassus within 5 working days. For any results that require further scrutiny due to potential breach of exam requirements, results will be released once reviewed by the Ascentis Quality Assurance Team. Learner certificates will be issued within 10 working days of the e-Assessment. To view our FAQ on e-Invigilation and remote assessments click here.

Functional Skills Level 1 & 2:

Level 1 and 2 Functional Skills English and Mathematics results will be available on the Parnassus system within 20 working days of the assessment date. Certificates will be processed and issued within 10 working days following the release of results.   

All new assessment versions for Level 1 and 2 will undergo a process of Awarding to ensure that the pass mark set is fair, reliable and consistent. As a result, the timeframe to issue learner results may be delayed to allow the awarding process to be conducted. Once pass marks have been established, results will be issued within the normal 20 working days.

Access to HE: 

On receipt of a completed and signed Final Awards Board (FAB) report an e-certificate will be available and a hard copy (if requested) will be dispatched in 5 working days.

For any enquiries regarding results, please contact [email protected]

Ascentis Qualifications

For a full list and prices of all Ascentis qualifications please see the Ascentis Product Catalogue below. If you would like to know more about any of the qualifications listed, please contact us.

Deliver more with Ascentis

As an approved centre, you have access to over 400 cutting edge qualifications at no additional cost. If you’re interested in offering more of our qualifications all you need to do is complete the qualification approval form below. For further information you can arrange a meeting with one of our qualification experts to discuss your provision.

Seal of Approval

We are proud of our association with our recognised Further Education Colleges, Adult and Community Learning Centres, Universities and Private Training Providers and we want to encourage our recognised centres to show their association with us by using our logo. If you wish to use the Ascentis logo, please refer to our Logo Policy below.

Have your say

As we are always looking to improve our service to customers your feedback is important to us. If you would like to get in touch and let us know how we are doing, please email [email protected]. We are always happy to hear from you.


We are keen to receive feedback to help inform any improvements and welcome comments, suggestions, and feedback about the service you have experienced including where you feel you have come across a level of service that is below your expectations.

Centres can access the Ascentis Complaints Policy in the customer login section. 

Reporting Malpractice

The Ascentis Malpractice Policy and Handbook is located in the customer area of the Ascentis website.  You can also report suspected malpractice here.

Watch Our Client Videos

Ascentis helps change the lives of over 170,000 learners each year. Hear about why our staff love working for us, and why our customers love working with us.

See all

Leicester Adult Skills and Learning Service Speaking about Ascentis English & Maths Stepping Stones

Ascentis has a fantastic suite of English and Maths Stepping Stones qualifications which enable learners to focus on specific skills, build their confidence and progress onto further learning. This testimonial video features Leicester Adult Skills and Learning Service who outline the benefits to them and their learners of using these qualifications.

Watch Video

The City of Liverpool College Speaking about Ascentis Access to Higher Education

Access to HE with Ascentis - We Make a Difference. Watch our Testimonial and hear how it makes a difference to learners and the opportunities it brings.

Watch Video

Best Practice People Speaking about Ascentis Short Online Qualifications

The Ascentis Short Online Qualifications are delivered in many centres across the UK and help to support learners’ Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare. Listen to Ascentis Customer, Best Practice People talk about how effective the Ascentis Short Online Qualifications are and how they successfully aid their NEET learners, improving skills and confidence in turn helping them secure employment.

Watch Video

Join hundreds of happy centres nationwide

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What our happy customers say

“We are very pleased that we made the move to Ascentis for all our ESOL exams. The exams are appropriate for our learners, and lecturers find the marking manageable. As an organisation, Ascentis is a pleasure to work with. Our queries are always dealt with quickly and we are extremely well supported by our verifier.”

Waltham Forest

“We have thoroughly enjoyed our first year with Ascentis. There has been support of a high quality throughout the academic year. Support has been provided through a variety of roles including the quality managers, lead EQA’s and subject moderators.”

Bradford College

“We have been delighted with the impact Ascentis Extended Awards in Mathematical Skills (Stepping Stones) have had on our student’s progression towards their functional skills mathematics as well as preparing them for the completion of their GCSE. It has taught them the essential skills in mathematics which enabled them to deal with the practical problems and challenges of life – at home, in education and at work. These skills are valued by employers and further education, and are a platform on which to build other employability skills. We are also very impressed with the level of service and commitment shown by the staff of Ascentis, they are always available to help whenever help is needed.”

Brent Start

“The transparency and support of Ascentis has been refreshing. Our moderation process has been a pleasure and developmental feedback has always been welcomed.”

Kensington & Chelsea College

26th Mar 2025

Ascentis Events

  • AELP
  • CPD Certified
  • FAB
  • Cyber Essentials
  • Natecla
  • Access to Higher Education
  • The Parliamentary Review
  • West Yorkshire Learning Providers
  • Multicultural Alliance
Ascentis customers please login to view full specifications, tracking sheets, sample papers, customer policies and key documents.


Specification Overviews

Key Documents