Keith Fletcher Memorial Access to HE Prizes


Keith Fletcher worked for many years in the South West of England within its successive AVAs and was a great supporter and enthusiast of Access to HE. In memory of Keith’s commitment to Access, several AVAs agreed to award prizes for Access students drawn from across the regions for 2010-11 and after a successful presentation event in London; it was decided to develop this as an annual presentation.

Access to HE students on courses in the academic year 2019-20 can be nominated for the two prize categories as outlined below. Information about the winners and runners up will form part of our collective activities to promote the Access to HE Diploma both regionally and nationally.

Nominations should be sent to [email protected] by Friday 13th November 2020. Written covering statements of enough detail and evidence are required, which specifically support why the student has been nominated for the relevant prize.


Prize Categories

There are 2 prize categories as outlined below.

1. Outstanding Academic Achievement:

Students proposed in this category should have excelled in their academic study by producing assessed work of a consistently outstanding quality whilst on their Access courses.

Supporting Statement

For ‘Outstanding academic achievement’ the statement should contain enough commentary and detail about the range and type of work submitted by the student and their performance. Where possible this could include statements made by tutors in their feedback on the work.

Supporting evidence

For ‘Outstanding academic achievement’ it is expected that close reference is made to one or more (up to a maximum of three) pieces of assessed work in the supporting statement and that a copy of that work be submitted in an electronic format. Scanned copies of hand written work or of word-processed work with handwritten tutor comments are required. No paper copies will be accepted. Examples of work submitted as evidence might include copies of essays, projects, research, reports, artefacts produced by the student as recorded in photographs, video clips etc, recordings of student performance, personal writing (poems, stories, other texts).

Nominations for 2020 - In this exceptional year, it is appreciated that providing student work may be challenging. If this is not available to be submitted with the nomination, please include a full and detailed supporting statement.


2. Outstanding Commitment to Study:

Students in this category should have shown evidence of some or all the following:

  • outstanding commitment to their Access studies, perhaps in the face of difficult and challenging personal circumstances,
  • having made an inspirational journey which demonstrates the life transforming power of learning,
  • individual achievement beyond standard expectations,
  • clear evidence of extra effort above and beyond that which would normally be required of a student.

Supporting Statement

The statement should be a detailed explanation of how the nominee meets the criteria in 2.2 above. It should give an indication of the types of barriers that the student overcame. It would also be helpful to identify any skills that the student displayed in pursuing his/her studies. Whilst the privacy of the student should be respected, it will help the panel of judges to assess the nomination, if some detail regarding the challenges facing the student and the way in which they met these challenges, is provided. For nominations in this category to be taken forward there must be a Personal Statement from the student themselves included with the nomination.


Submitting the nominations

Nominations should be sent to [email protected] by Friday 13th November 2020. Ascentis will then judge these internally and submit one entry from each category.

Written covering statements of enough detail and evidence are required, which specifically support why the student has been nominated for the relevant prize.

Each nomination should be submitted on the correct form (templates below) and be emailed to on or before the closing date, please use the subject line KF PRIZE NOMINATION for the email.

Please ensure that all supporting documents are in a standard readable format using Word, PDF, JPEG or other standard format which could be opened on PC or Mac.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 13th November 2020 at 5.00pm.


General Rules & Conditions

  • Only one student should be nominated for each category per centre.
  • Nominations must be received on the nomination forms to ensure consistency for judging.
  • An individual student can only be nominated for one category.
  • The decisions of the panel of judges will be final.
  • In each category there will be a winner and a runner up
  • The prize funds will be determined by dividing the contributions from each AVA (£200 per AVA) between the prize winners and runners up. The prize money will be spilt into two sections. The winners prize fund will consist of approximately 60% of the overall prize fund and the runners up prize fund will consist of the remaining 40%. The winners will then each receive half of the winning funds and the runners up will receive half of the runners up funds each. The prizes will be paid as cash or cheques. 
  • GDPR: LASER (the Keith Fletcher Awards organiser) regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as very important to its successful operations, and to maintaining confidence between LASER and those with whom it carries out business. LASER will ensure it treats personal information lawfully and correctly. To this end LASER fully endorses and adheres to the Principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal details of nominees will not be shared with third parties, all nominations are anonymised prior to judging and winners will be contacted prior to any publicity announcements. A copy of LASER’s Privacy Notice can be found here:



    Summary of timescales



    1.    Closing date for receipt of nominations and supporting statements/evidence


    Friday 13 November 2020

    2.    Judging takes place

    7 December 2020 to

    15 January 2021

    3.    Winners announced

    w/c 25 January 2021

    4.    Prize Presentation

    Spring 2021 TBC


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