Entry 3 and Level 1 Award in Introduction to an Inclusive Environment – designed to give learners an introduction to understanding the challenges to developing an inclusive environment, including how people feel marginalised when they are bullied or abused, how abuse takes lots of different forms and has negatives impacts for the victim and the abuser. In addition, they will learn how to conduct healthy, intimate relationships and recognise abusive ones, and how to support a victim of abuse.
Entry 3 Award in Introduction to Safeguarding – designed to give learners knowledge and understanding of safeguarding, including the meaning and basic principles of safeguarding, types of abuse and possible safeguarding issues caused by modern technology.
Level 1 Award in Understanding Safeguarding for Work, Education and Life – this qualification includes the different types of abuse and how to recognise them, possible safeguarding issues caused by modern technology, the meaning of discrimination and victimisation and the importance of disclosing safeguarding concerns to professionals.
*e-Assessments and e-Invigilation available now for all Short Online Qualifications, giving you and your learners extra flexibility.
*Glossaries and sample questions are now available to help your learners with any technical language within these qualifications and to succeed.